Debut concert / comissioned work ‘Chimeraxis’
Koncertkirken Vinterjazz, 2025

Debut concert / comissioned work ‘Chimeraxis’
Koncertkirken Vinterjazz, 2025
”The Finnish artist Johanna Elina Sulkunen, who lives in Copenhagen, seems capable of handling anything that appears new, different, and avant-garde. More than that, she can effortlessly combine seemingly incompatible elements on a personal, individual level in an organic way. Algorithm-assisted digital composition, traditional jazz vocals, free improvisation, highly reflective sound abstraction, and an entirely unprocessed
Capitolo finale di una trilogia attraverso cui l’artista finlandese sperimenta i diversi livelli di risonanza della voce “Coexistence” parla di temi universali come la
Find the track in all digital platforms and purchase in BANDCAMP!
Looking forward to playing with IKI as part of the Theater Hotel Pro Forma's performances 'Flammenwerfer' in 2024! Music by Niels Frahm and on stage Blixa Bargeld & IKI. World Premiere March 8 - 9, 2024 Malmö Live Konserthus Buy ticket Danish Premiere August 30 – 31, 2024 The Concert Hall of Aarhus
We're currently touring with the project that I named as 'Imminency' - a hybrid presentation of nature and technology, organic voice, and electronics. It is a cooperation with the visual
It's been busy times in the studio for the past weeks and months and feels like it's time to wake up after a long winter hibernation... hope to see you at the concerts!